East Tropicana Avenue Upgrades Begin, Traffic Impacts in Clark County

Plans call for milling and new asphalt pavement, plus reconfiguring median islands for increased lane widths that reduce left hand turn crashes. Other improvements entail enhanced lighting, fiber optics and improved handicap accessibility with sidewalks and ramps.
Project work will initially begin between Maryland Parkway and Spencer Street as well as Pecos and Sandhill roads. Construction will mostly occur from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Motorists can expect intermittent lane restrictions through the work zones. Work is tentatively scheduled to finish in early 2021.
For more information, visit the web page at nevadadot.com/projects-programs/tropicana-overlay or email kylek@horrocks.com.
NDOT works with Waze to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but unscheduled construction changes, closures and restrictions are possible due to weather or other factors. For the latest state highway conditions, go to nvroads.com or call 511 before driving.